Kloudlite - a One click console for your code to cloud journey

Upgrade your development and deployment by merging efficient DevOps, scalable cloud infrastructure, and continuous optimization into a seamless, productive workflow


NoOps development

Self-Serve environments crafted for development, staging & production workloads

    Ephemeral workspaces
    Scalable environments
    Secure VPN for remote local
    Automated backing services

Cloud-native at the core

Flexible & Cost Effective Kubernetes Cluster Management with simple and user-friendly interface

    Cloud agnostic
    Spot fleet
    GPU enabled nodes
    Auto scalable nodepools

Simply build and deploy

Cloud accelerated build system and container registry to build and ship containers anywhere

    Integrated container registry
    Auto build & deploy
    Major repo integrations
    Optimized building processes

We understand because we've been there too

So, we meticulously engineered our platform to provide you the below benefits

Developers &Platform Engineers
Auto - Provision
Run Anywhere
Faster Deployment
Flexible Autoscaling
Developer Centric
Collaborative Environments
Enhanced Application Security
Comprehensive Monitoring and Insights
Reduce Development Inner loop
Streamlined Application Development
Plug your own CICDs and Observability
Simplified Infrastructure Management
Build system for faster deployments
Cost - Efficient Resource Management
Effective and Efficient Development Process
Declarative Infrastructure, Projects, and Maintenance
Recommended resources

Explore our knowledge bank

Tap into our extensive collection of resources and guides tailored to help you navigate around platform

InfraOpsDive in to set up your InfraOps effortlessly
DevOpsExplore the DevOps APIs to build your app
DistributionAccess the resources to ensure a smooth build

Ready to try Kloudlite?

Join the cult of our early adopters, and discover the power of Kloudlite.

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