DocsBasic ConceptsEnvironments

Environments - Application's Ecosystem

An environment, is a set of dependent services and infrastructure that the application needs to run. It includes external systems and services that the application interacts with during its operation.

Some example components of the environment:

  • Microservices: All the applications like frontend, backend, which are dependent or required by current application.
  • Databases: Relational or NoSQL databases required for storing application data.
  • External APIs: External or internal APIs that the application consumes.
  • Messaging Services: Queues or messaging systems like RabbitMQ or Kafka.
  • External Services: Third-party services such as authentication providers, payment gateways, or cloud storage.
  • Network Configurations: Networking settings and connections required to access these services.

The purpose of an environment is to provide the necessary context and support for the application to run correctly. It stimulates the production setup, ensuring that all dependencies and integrations are available for the application to function as intended.

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