DocsSetup & Connect

Setup & Connect


You need to have docker up and running in your system to use kloudlite workspaces. Kloudlite workspace is easy to setup. You have to download cli using following commands.

Install cli tool

curl '!?select=kl' | bash

You need to login to connect to your teams.

Workspace Initialization

You can initilise your kloudlite workspace inside your working directory.

kl init

This command will prompt you to choose your account and default environmnet.

It will create a kl.yml configuration file that contains necessary metadata to setup enviromnet.

Access & Manage

Once the workspace is initilised you can start the container using following commands

kl box start

This will start the development container that is connected to your remote environment using wireguard.

This container have a ssh server running and your current working directory mounted on /workspace/

kl box ssh

This will open an ssh connection to the development container.

Note: This command will start the development container if not running.

kl box stop

This will stop the development container.

kl box restart

This command will restart the development container with the updated metadata of kl.yml configuration file.

kl box info

This command will provide information of running development container.

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